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Am I small? ?????????: Children's Picture Book English-Japanese (Bilingual Edition) de Philipp Winterberg
Descripción - Reseña del editor Bilingual Edition English-Japanese (Hiragana and Romaji)'Am I small?' - Tamia is not sure and keeps asking various animals that she meets on her journey. Eventually she finds the surprising answer...Reviews'This is baby's favorite book!' —Amazon Customer Review from the United States'for children who enjoy lingering over pages full of magical creatures and whimsical details [...] told in simple and engaging words and imaginative pictures.”—Kirkus Reviews'This has been my daughter's favourite book since she was 4 months old. The sentences are nice and short so she doesn't lose interest in the pictures while I'm reading each page.' —Amazon Customer Review from the UK 'Muito legal esse livro. Singelo, divertido e relacionado ao universo da criança. Bom pra desenvolver o vocabulário. As ilustrações são lindas. Meu filho adorou.' —Amazon Customer Review from Brazil 'You are small or big depending on with what you relate to. A simple cute book which exactly portrays this message.' —Amazon Customer Review from India 'Muy buen libro infantil. Dinámico, orgánico, perfecto para aprender en romaji. De fácil lectura y con una protagonista realmente encantadora' —Amazon Customer Review from Mexico'Beautifully illustrated and cleverly written.' —Amazon Customer Review from Australia 'We are in love with this book!'—Amazon Customer Review from the United States 'Written in a very simple way but with a profound message for both adults and kids.'—Amazon Customer Review from the United States'Whenever I have time to read to her, she wants this book. And she repeats words. That's insanely cute.' —Amazon Customer Review from Canada'Mia figlia di due anni e mezzo è entusiasta dei disegni bellissimi e dei colori. Apprezza anche le vicende di una bimba nè grande nè piccola ma giusta così.' —Amazon Customer Review from Italy'My three year olds love it and the story's concept will grow with them for several years to come making it a keeper.' —Amazon Customer Review from the U.S.'A nuestra hija le ha encantado. [...] Estamos muy satisfechos con la compra.' —Amazon Customer Review from Spain 'I got this book to read with my granddaughters, one from the US and one from Portugal. It is so incredibly cute! They loved it, and I did too. I highly recommend this book!' —Amazon Customer Review from the U.S.'Ce petit livre est tout ce que j'aime !!! Le graphisme, les couleurs, tout y est magnifiquement soigné, poétique et charmant !!! [...] Une merveille de beauté et de magie à ne pas louper !!!' —Amazon Customer Review from France 'My little boy loves this as a bedtime story. It's colourful and quirky. [...] I thought it would be uninteresting to a child, to be read to in another language, but he asks for 'Bin ich klein' and it melts my heart!' —Amazon Customer Review from the United Kingdom 'readers will emerge from this book feeling slightly more confident about themselves—whatever their size.'—ForeWord Clarion Reviews'This is done with simplicity at its finest. The art is whimsical, the message is clear and most of all my grandson loves it. I would recommend this book to any child provider as part of their reading library.' —Amazon Customer Review from the U.S.LanguagesAvailable for every country in at least one official language.Please note: This book is a bilingual picture book with a 1:1 translation created by human translators (see translator's credits for details). Biografía del autor BiographyPhilipp B. Winterberg M.A. studied Communication Science, Psychology and Law. His books introduce new perspectives on essential themes like friendship, mindfulness and happiness. They are read in languages and countries all over the globe.Bibliography - Selected Works* Am I small? (100+ Languages)* Egbert Turns Red (50+) * In Here, Out There! (40+)More: www.philippwinterberg.comA World Children’s Book for Every Country on the PlanetFrom Afar to Zulu: The picture book Am I small? (ISBN: 149230977X) has been translated into over 100 languages since its publication. The story by author Philipp Winterberg is available for every country in the world in at least one national language. It is the world's first children's book covering the entire globe.In Am I small? young and old readers alike accompany the girl Tamia on a journey full of wonders. Together they discover that size is relative and that Tamia is just right the way she is. 'Enchanting' judges the trade journal Eselsohr; 'wonderful for bilingual families, and kindergartens,' says the Börsenblatt and the American book review magazine Kirkus Reviews kindly compliments 'for children who enjoy lingering over pages full of magical creatures and whimsical details [...] told in simple and engaging words and imaginative pictures.'More than 200 translators have already participated in the World Children's Book. Sometimes the research took months, 'I had to look for a Tibetan translator for almost a year,' says Winterberg. The book is now also available in hundreds of language combinations, such as Spanish-Tagalog or German-Tigrinya — a language spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea, whose script is reminiscent of children's drawings.In the years and decades to come the World Children's Book project will continue to grow. The aim is to gradually translate Am I small? into over 500 languages.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Am I small? ?????????: Children's Picture Book English-Japanese (Bilingual Edition)
- Autor: Philipp Winterberg
- Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Aprendizaje temprano
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 637 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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